Lecture: Advanced Audio-Based Music Processing

Teaser_01_MusicRepr Teaser_02_FourierTr Teaser_05_ChordReco Teaser_05_ScaleWalkuere Teaser_03_MusicSync3 Teaser_03_Interface2


This is an invited lecture on Music Information Retrieval organized by the Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe.


2 ECTS for master students of music informatics


Music signals possess specific acoustic and structural characteristics that are not shared by spoken language or audio signals from other domains. In fact, many music analysis tasks only become feasible by exploiting suitable music-specific assumptions. In this course, we study feature design principles that have been applied to music signals to account for the music-specific aspects. In particular, we discuss various musically expressive feature representations that refer to musical dimensions such as harmony, rhythm, timbre, or melody. Furthermore, we highlight the practical and musical relevance of these feature representations in the context of current music analysis and retrieval tasks. Here, our general goal is to show how the development of music-specific signal processing techniques is of fundamental importance for tackling otherwise infeasible music analysis problems.

This lecture gives an overview of the field of audio-based MIR and provides an in-depth introduction to a number of fundamental algorithms in the field such as the short time fourier transform, dynamic time warping, or hidden Markov models. The lecture takes place within two blocks that also contain practical programming exercises in Python. The full course comprises 2 ECTS and is dedicated to master students of music informatics.

The following videos give a brief impression about this lecture.

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Accompanying Literature and Material

Topics and Slides

  • Introduction
    Slides (PDF), Handouts (6 slides per page) (PDF)
  • Music Representations
    Slides (PDF), Handouts (6 slides per page) (PDF)
  • Music Theory Basics
    Slides (PDF), Handouts (6 slides per page) (PDF)
  • Audio Processing Basics
    Slides (PDF), Handouts (6 slides per page) (PDF)
  • Harmony Analysis
    Slides (PDF), Handouts (6 slides per page) (PDF)
  • Harmonic Feature Design
    Slides (PDF), Handouts (6 slides per page) (PDF)
  • Corpus Analysis
    Slides (PDF), Handouts (6 slides per page) (PDF)
  • Style Classification
    Slides (PDF), Handouts (6 slides per page) (PDF)

Further Literature and Links

  1. Meinard Müller
    Fundamentals of Music Processing — Audio, Analysis, Algorithms, Applications
    Springer Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-319-21944-8, 2015. Details
    author    = {Meinard M\"{u}ller},
    title     = {Fundamentals of Music Processing -- Audio, Analysis, Algorithms, Applications},
    type      = {Monograph},
    year      = {2015},
    isbn      = {978-3-319-21944-8},
    publisher = {Springer Verlag},
  2. Christof Weiß
    Computational Methods for Tonality-Based Style Analysis of Classical Music Audio Recordings
    PhD Thesis, Ilmenau University of Technology, 2017. PDF Presentation
    author  = {Christof Wei{\ss}},
    title   = {Computational Methods for Tonality-Based Style Analysis of Classical Music Audio Recordings},
    school  = {Ilmenau University of Technology},
    address = {Ilmenau, Germany},
    year    = {2017},
    url     = {http://www.db-thueringen.de/receive/dbt_mods_00032890},
    url-pdf = {http://www.db-thueringen.de/servlets/MCRFileNodeServlet/dbt_derivate_00039054/ilm1-2017000293.pdf},
    url-presentation = {https://www.audiolabs-erlangen.de/fau/assistant/weiss/publications/2017_Weiss_PhD-Defense_TUIlmenau.pdf}
  3. Frank Zalkow, Christof Weiß, and Meinard Müller
    Exploring Tonal-Dramatic Relationships in Richard Wagner 's Ring Cycle
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR): 642–648, 2017. PDF
    author    = {Frank Zalkow and Christof Wei{\ss} and Meinard M{\"u}ller},
    title     = {Exploring Tonal-Dramatic Relationships in {R}ichard {W}agne{r\'s} {R}ing Cycle},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval ({ISMIR})},
    pages     = {642--648},
    address   = {Suzhou, China},
    year      = {2017},
    url-pdf   = {http://ismir2017.smcnus.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/132_Paper.pdf}
  4. Christof Weiß, Frank Zalkow, Meinard Müller, Stephanie Klauk, and Rainer Kleinertz
    Computergestützte Visualisierung Harmonischer Verläufe: Eine Fallstudie zu Wagners Ring
    In Proceedings of the Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI): 205–217, 2017.
    author    = {Christof Wei{\ss} and Frank Zalkow and Meinard M{\"u}ller and Stephanie Klauk and Rainer Kleinertz},
    title     = {{C}omputergest{\"u}tzte {V}isualisierung {H}armonischer {V}erl{\"a}ufe: {E}ine {F}allstudie zu {W}agners {R}ing},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft f{\"{u}}r Informatik ({GI})},
    pages     = {205--217},
    address   = {Chemnitz, Germany},
    year      = {2017}
  5. Christof Weiß, Rainer Kleinertz, and Meinard Müller
    Möglichkeiten der computergestützten Erkennung und Visualisierung harmonischer Strukturen — eine Fallstudie zu Richard Wagners Die Walküre''
    In Bericht zur Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung (GfM) 2015 in Halle/Saale, 2016. PDF
    author    = {Christof Wei{\ss} and Rainer Kleinertz and Meinard M{\"u}ller},
    title     = {{M}{\"o}glichkeiten der computergest{\"u}tzten {E}rkennung und {V}isualisierung harmonischer {S}trukturen -- eine {F}allstudie zu {R}ichard {W}agners ``{D}ie {W}alk{\"u}re''},
    booktitle = {{B}ericht zur {J}ahrestagung der {G}esellschaft f{\"u}r {M}usikforschung ({GfM}) 2015 in Halle/Saale},
    editor    = {Wolfgang Auhagen and Wolfgang Hirschmann},
    publisher = {{S}chott {C}ampus},
    address   = {Mainz, Germany},
    year      = {2016},
    url-pdf   = {2016_WeissKM_HarmStrukturWalkuere_SchottCampus.pdf}
  6. Christof Weiß, Vlora Arifi-Müller, Thomas Prätzlich, Rainer Kleinertz, and Meinard Müller
    Analyzing Measure Annotations for Western Classical Music Recordings
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR): 517–523, 2016. PDF
    author    = {Christof Wei{\ss} and Vlora Arifi-M{\"u}ller and Thomas Pr{\"a}tzlich and Rainer Kleinertz and Meinard M{\"u}ller},
    title     = {Analyzing Measure Annotations for Western Classical Music Recordings},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval ({ISMIR})},
    address   = {New York, USA},
    year      = {2016},
    pages     = {517--523},
    url-pdf   = {2016_WeissAPKM_MeasureAnnotation_ISMIR_ePrint.pdf}
  7. Daniel Röwenstrunk, Thomas Prätzlich, Thomas Betzwieser, Meinard Müller, Gerd Szwillus, and Joachim Veit
    Das Gesamtkunstwerk Oper aus Datensicht — Aspekte des Umgangs mit einer heterogenen Datenlage im BMBF-Projekt Freischütz Digital
    Datenbank-Spektrum, 15(1): 65–72, 2015. PDF Details DOI
    author    = {Daniel R{\"o}wenstrunk and Thomas Pr{\"a}tzlich and Thomas Betzwieser and Meinard M{\"u}ller and Gerd Szwillus and Joachim Veit},
    title     = {{D}as {G}esamtkunstwerk {O}per aus {D}atensicht -- {A}spekte des {U}mgangs mit einer heterogenen {D}atenlage im {BMBF}-{P}rojekt {F}reisch{\"u}tz {D}igital},
    journal   = {Datenbank-Spektrum},
    volume    = {15},
    number    = {1},
    pages     = {65--72},
    year      = {2015},
    doi       = {10.1007/s13222-015-0179-0},
    url-pdf   = {2015_RoewenstrunkPBMSV_FreiDi_DatenbankSpektrum.pdf},
    url-details = {http://freischuetz-digital.de/}
  8. Christof Weiss and Meinard Müller
    Tonal Complexity Features for Style Classification of Classical Music
    In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP): 688–692, 2015. PDF
    author    = {Christof Weiss and Meinard M{\"u}ller},
    title     = {Tonal Complexity Features for Style Classification of Classical Music},
    booktitle  = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing ({ICASSP})},
    address  = {Brisbane, Australia},
    year       = {2015},
    pages    = {688--692},
    url-pdf   = {2015_WeissMueller_TonalComplexity_ICASSP.pdf}
  9. Meinard Müller and Masataka Goto and Markus Schedl (ed.)
    Multimodal Music Processing
    In Dagstuhl Follow-Ups, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Germany, 3, 2012. PDF
    editor    = {Meinard M{\"u}ller and Masataka Goto and Markus Schedl},
    title     = {Multimodal Music Processing},
    booktitle = {Multimodal Music Processing},
    publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"u}r Informatik, Germany},
    series    = {Dagstuhl Follow-Ups},
    volume    = {3},
    year      = {2012},
    isbn      = {978-3-939897-37-8},