Following Section 7.2 of [Müller, FMP, Springer 2015], we discuss in this notebook the task of audio matching, which was originally considered in the following article.
In the FMP notebook on content-based audio retrieval, we gave an introduction to various retrieval tasks based on the query-by-example paradigm. While significant progress has been made for highly specific retrieval scenarios such as audio identification, retrieval scenarios of lower specificity still pose many challenges. We now address a retrieval task referred to as audio matching: given a short query audio clip, the goal is to automatically retrieve all excerpts from all recordings within a given audio database that musically correspond to the query. In this matching scenario, as opposed to classic audio identification, one allows semantically motivated variations as they typically appear in different performances and arrangements of a piece of music. For example, two different performances of the same piece may exhibit significant nonlinear global and local differences in tempo, articulation, and phrasing, which are due to the freedom an artist has in executing performance directives such as ritardandi, accelerandi, fermata signs, or ornamentations. Furthermore, one has to deal with considerable spectral variations, which are due to differences in instrumentation, dynamics, accentuation, and so on.
To further illustrate the audio matching scenario, let us consider the Symphony No. 5 by Ludwig van Beethoven. Being one of the most popular pieces in the Western classical music literature, there exist a large number of different performances and arrangements of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. More than $100$ recordings are commercially available, not to mention numerous nonprofessional live performances as may be found on video-sharing websites such as YouTube. Here are some examples for the first 21 measures (also shown as sheet music representation in a piano-reduced form).
Performer | Audio |
Bernstein | |
Karajan | |
Sawallisch | |
Gould (piano version) | |
Scherbakov (piano verison) |
import IPython.display as ipd
import numpy as np
print('PDQ Bach - Beethoven Symphony No. 5')
ipd.display(ipd.YouTubeVideo('MzXoVo16pTg', start=1, width=480, height=360))
Now imagine you are sitting in a student orchestra concert at your university and listen to a performance of Beethoven's Fifth. You take your smartphone, record a few seconds, and send the audio fragment to an identification service. Since the live performance of the query is not part of the system's fingerprint database, the service will not be able to identify the recording when using traditional fingerprinting techniques. This is exactly the scenario where audio matching techniques should step in.
For example, let us assume that the query consists of a recording of the first theme of Beethoven's Fifth. Then the goal of audio matching is to find all audio fragments that musically correspond to the query in a given database. The retrieved matches should include the repetitions of the main theme in the exposition and recapitulation within the same performance as well as the corresponding excerpts in other recordings, arrangements, and synthesized versions (e.g., obtained from MIDI files). All the retrieved matches can then be presented and made accessible to a user by means of suitable interfaces. Extending the functionality of the Interpretation Switcher (see Section of [Müller, FMP, Springer 2015]), all the matching sections within the retrieved recordings can be highlighted, as indicated by the next figure. Based on this interface, the user can easily browse through and listen to the retrieved audio fragments, possibly starting a new retrieval process with a refined query or a retrieved item.
Performer | Theme (Exposition) | Theme (Repetition of Exposition) | Theme (Recapitulation) |
Bernstein | |||
Karajan | |||
Scherbakov (piano verison) |
In the audio matching scenario, we are given a query audio fragment $\mathcal{Q}$ and a collection of database recordings. Without loss of generality (e.g., by concatenating all recordings), we assume that this collection is represented by a single document $\mathcal{D}$. A typical matching approach proceeds along the following lines.
First step: The query $\mathcal{Q}$ and the document $\mathcal{D}$ are converted into sequences of audio features, say $X=(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_N)$ and $Y=(y_1,y_2,\ldots,y_M)$, respectively. The length $N$ of the query sequence is typically much shorter than the length $M$ of the database sequence. The features used should capture piece-specific properties (e.g., harmonic and melodic aspects), while being invariant to performance-specific variations (e.g., local tempo, articulation, note execution, and instrumentation). As an example, we use CENS features as introduced in Section 7.2.1 of [Müller, FMP, Springer 2015].
Second step: Based on the feature sequences $X$ and $Y$, one tries to identify subsequences in $Y$ that are similar to $X$. To this end, one may use techniqus such as diagonal matching or a subsequence variant of dynamic time warping. In both cases, one obtains a mathching curve $\Delta:[0:M-1]\to\mathbb{R}$. The positions of all local minima of $\Delta$ that are close to zero point to subsequences of $Y$ similar to $X$.
Third step: Using a suitable strategy for selecting local minima of $\Delta$, one derives a ranked list of matching subsequences (called matches), constituting the result of the matching procedure.
In the following, we provide a concrete example implementation of an audio matching procedure following the lines as described above. Note that there are many alternatives (e.g., regarding feature representations, alignment strategies, and minimum selection) and different parameter choices, which may have a substantial impact on the final results.
As feature representation, we use CENS features computed by the function compute_cens_from_file
. In particular, starting with STFT-based chroma features with a feature resolution of $10~\mathrm{Hz}$, we use $\mathrm{CENS}^{21}_{5}$-features with a resolution of $2~\mathrm{Hz}$.
We then compute a matching function using subsequence DTW. In our implementation, we use the function compute_matching_function_dtw
with step size condition $\Sigma=\{(2, 1), (1, 2), (1, 1)\}$.
As for the matching strategy, we follow the simple iterative retrieval procedure described in the FMP notebook on diagonal matching to identify local minima of the matching function. Note that, in the DTW-case, these local minima are end positions of matching subsequences. To obtain the respective start positions of the matches, we need to apply backtracking strategy for computing optimal warping paths (libfmp.c7.compute_optimal_warping_path_subsequence_dtw_21
We apply the matching procedure for our Beethoven example. As a query, we use the Bernstein recording of the first theme (first $21$ measures). Recall that the theme appears once more in the repetition of the exposition and, with some musical modifications, in the recapitulation. As for the database documents, we consider three different versions—two orchestral versions conducted by Bernstein and Karajan, respectively, and Liszt's piano transcription played by Scherbakov.
For each version, we visualize the cost matrix $C$ along with the manually annotated ground-truth annotations of the theme (three occurrences per version). Furthermore, we show the resulting matching function with the top five matches. From the figures, one can make the following observations:
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import librosa
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import libfmp.b
import libfmp.c4
import libfmp.c7
%matplotlib inline
def compute_cens_from_file(fn_wav, Fs=22050, N=4410, H=2205, ell=21, d=5):
"""Compute CENS features from file
Notebook: C7/C7S2_AudioMatching.ipynb
fn_wav (str): Filename of wav file
Fs (scalar): Feature rate of wav file (Default value = 22050)
N (int): Window size for STFT (Default value = 4410)
H (int): Hop size for STFT (Default value = 2205)
ell (int): Smoothing length (Default value = 21)
d (int): Downsampling factor (Default value = 5)
X_CENS (np.ndarray): CENS features
L (int): Length of CENS feature sequence
Fs_CENS (scalar): Feature rate of CENS features
x_duration (float): Duration (seconds) of wav file
x, Fs = librosa.load(fn_wav, sr=Fs)
x_duration = x.shape[0] / Fs
X_chroma = librosa.feature.chroma_stft(y=x, sr=Fs, tuning=0, norm=None, hop_length=H, n_fft=N)
X_CENS, Fs_CENS = libfmp.c7.compute_cens_from_chromagram(X_chroma, Fs=Fs/H, ell=ell, d=d)
L = X_CENS.shape[1]
return X_CENS, L, Fs_CENS, x_duration
def compute_matching_function_dtw(X, Y, stepsize=2):
"""Compute CENS features from file
Notebook: C7/C7S2_AudioMatching.ipynb
X (np.ndarray): Query feature sequence (given as K x N matrix)
Y (np.ndarray): Database feature sequence (given as K x M matrix)
stepsize (int): Parameter for step size condition (1 or 2) (Default value = 2)
Delta (np.ndarray): DTW-based matching function
C (np.ndarray): Cost matrix
D (np.ndarray): Accumulated cost matrix
C = libfmp.c7.cost_matrix_dot(X, Y)
if stepsize == 1:
D = libfmp.c7.compute_accumulated_cost_matrix_subsequence_dtw(C)
if stepsize == 2:
D = libfmp.c7.compute_accumulated_cost_matrix_subsequence_dtw_21(C)
N, M = C.shape
Delta = D[-1, :] / N
return Delta, C, D
def matches_dtw(pos, D, stepsize=2):
"""Derives matches from positions for DTW-based strategy
Notebook: C7/C7S2_AudioMatching.ipynb
pos (np.ndarray): End positions of matches
D (np.ndarray): Accumulated cost matrix
stepsize (int): Parameter for step size condition (1 or 2) (Default value = 2)
matches (np.ndarray): Array containing matches (start, end)
matches = np.zeros((len(pos), 2)).astype(int)
for k in range(len(pos)):
t = pos[k]
matches[k, 1] = t
if stepsize == 1:
P = libfmp.c7.compute_optimal_warping_path_subsequence_dtw(D, m=t)
if stepsize == 2:
P = libfmp.c7.compute_optimal_warping_path_subsequence_dtw_21(D, m=t)
s = P[0, 1]
matches[k, 0] = s
return matches
def compute_plot_matching_function_DTW(fn_wav_X, fn_wav_Y, fn_ann,
ell=21, d=5, stepsize=2, tau=0.2, num=5, ylim=[0,0.35]):
ann, _ = libfmp.c4.read_structure_annotation(fn_ann)
color_ann = {'Theme': [0, 0, 1, 0.1], 'Match': [0, 0, 1, 0.2]}
X, N, Fs_X, x_duration = compute_cens_from_file(fn_wav_X, ell=ell, d=d)
Y, M, Fs_Y, y_duration = compute_cens_from_file(fn_wav_Y, ell=ell, d=d)
Delta, C, D = compute_matching_function_dtw(X, Y, stepsize=stepsize)
pos = libfmp.c7.mininma_from_matching_function(Delta, rho=2*N//3, tau=tau, num=num)
matches = matches_dtw(pos, D, stepsize=stepsize)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [1],
'height_ratios': [1, 1]}, figsize=(8, 4))
cmap = libfmp.b.compressed_gray_cmap(alpha=-10, reverse=True)
libfmp.b.plot_matrix(C, Fs=Fs_X, ax=[ax[0]], ylabel='Time (seconds)',
title='Cost matrix $C$ with ground truth annotations (blue rectangles)',
colorbar=False, cmap=cmap)
libfmp.b.plot_segments_overlay(ann, ax=ax[0], alpha=0.2, time_max=y_duration,
colors = color_ann, print_labels=False)
title = r'Matching function $\Delta_\mathrm{DTW}$ with matches (red rectangles)'
libfmp.b.plot_signal(Delta, ax=ax[1], Fs=Fs_X, color='k', title=title, ylim=ylim)
libfmp.c7.plot_matches(ax[1], matches, Delta, Fs=Fs_X, s_marker='', t_marker='o')
data_dir = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'C7')
fn_wav_all = [os.path.join(data_dir, 'FMP_C7_Audio_Beethoven_Op067-01_Bernstein.wav'),
os.path.join(data_dir, 'FMP_C7_Audio_Beethoven_Op067-01_Karajan.wav'),
os.path.join(data_dir, 'FMP_C7_Audio_Beethoven_Op067-01_Scherbakov.wav')]
fn_ann_all = [os.path.join(data_dir, 'FMP_C7_Audio_Beethoven_Op067-01_Bernstein_Theme.csv'),
os.path.join(data_dir, 'FMP_C7_Audio_Beethoven_Op067-01_Karajan_Theme.csv'),
os.path.join(data_dir, 'FMP_C7_Audio_Beethoven_Op067-01_Scherbakov_Theme.csv')]
names_all = ['Bernstein', 'Karajan', 'Scherbakov (piano version)']
fn_wav_X = os.path.join(data_dir, 'FMP_C7_Audio_Beethoven_Op067-01_Bernstein_Theme_1.wav')
for f in range(3):
print('=== Query X: Bernstein (Theme 1); Database Y:', names_all[f],' ===')
compute_plot_matching_function_DTW(fn_wav_X, fn_wav_all[f], fn_ann_all[f])
As a second example, we consider the second Waltz of Shostakovich's Jazz Suite No. 2. We have already encountered this piece in the context of tempo and beat tracking. This piece is of the form $A_1A_2BA_3A_4$, where the $A$-part consists of $38$ measures and appears four times (parts $A_1$, $A_2$, $A_3$, and $A_4$), each time in a different instrumentation. In part $A_1$ the melody is played by saxophone and wood instruments, then in $A_2$ by strings, in $A_3$ by trombone and brass, and finally in $A_4$ in a tutti version. We consider two different recordings of the Waltz (Chailly, Yablonsky), leading to a total number of eight occurrences of the theme. In the following audio example, we present the main theme of the $A$-part (16 measures) of each of the eight occurrences.
Performer | A1 (saxophone) | A2 (strings) | A3 (trombone) | A4 (tutti) |
Chailly | ||||
Yablonsky |
As query $\mathcal{Q}$, we use the $16$-measure theme of $A_1$ in the Chailly interpretation. As database documents, we use the entire Chailly as well as the entire Yablonsky recording, respectively. In the following figures, we use the same matching procedure and parameter settings as in the Beethoven example above.
data_dir = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'C7')
fn_wav_all = [os.path.join(data_dir, 'FMP_C7_Audio_Shostakovich_Waltz-02_Chailly.wav'),
os.path.join(data_dir, 'FMP_C7_Audio_Shostakovich_Waltz-02_Yablonsky.wav')]
fn_ann_all = [os.path.join(data_dir, 'FMP_C7_Audio_Shostakovich_Waltz-02_Chailly_Theme.csv'),
os.path.join(data_dir, 'FMP_C7_Audio_Shostakovich_Waltz-02_Yablonsky_Theme.csv')]
names_all = ['Chailly', 'Yablonsky']
fn_wav_X = os.path.join(data_dir, 'FMP_C7_Audio_Shostakovich_Waltz-02_Chailly_Theme_1.wav')
for f in range(2):
print('=== Query X: Chailly (A1, 16 measures); Database Y:', names_all[f],' ===')
compute_plot_matching_function_DTW(fn_wav_X, fn_wav_all[f], fn_ann_all[f], ylim=[0, 0.25])
Looking at the results, we want to make several comments:
To indicate the limitations of our matching procedure, we next use the first $16$ measures of $A_3$ (trombone version) as the query $\mathcal{Q}$ and repeat the experiment. While the $A_3$-theme in the Yablonsky-version could be identified correctly, it now becomes much harder to identify the remaining occurrences. As a result, the number of false-positive and false-negative matches increases.
fn_wav_X = os.path.join(data_dir, 'FMP_C7_Audio_Shostakovich_Waltz-02_Chailly_Theme_3.wav')
for f in range(2):
print('=== Query X: Chailly (A3, 16 measures); Database Y:',names_all[f],' ===')
compute_plot_matching_function_DTW(fn_wav_X, fn_wav_all[f], fn_ann_all[f], ylim=[0,0.25])
The quality of the matching results also crucially depends on the length of the query: queries of short duration (having low specificity) will generally lead to a large number of spurious matches, while enlarging the query length (thus increasing its specificity) will generally reduce the number of such matches. We illustrate this by considering $32$ measures (instead of $16$ measures) of $A_3$ of the Chailly recording as the query $\mathcal{Q}$.
fn_wav_X = os.path.join(data_dir, 'FMP_C7_Audio_Shostakovich_Waltz-02_Chailly_Theme_3_32.wav')
fn_ann_all = [os.path.join(data_dir, 'FMP_C7_Audio_Shostakovich_Waltz-02_Chailly_Theme_32.csv'),
os.path.join(data_dir, 'FMP_C7_Audio_Shostakovich_Waltz-02_Yablonsky_Theme_32.csv')]
for f in range(2):
print('=== Query X: Chailly (A3, 32 measures); Database Y:',names_all[f],' ===')
compute_plot_matching_function_DTW(fn_wav_X, fn_wav_all[f], fn_ann_all[f], ylim=[0, 0.2])