There are several ways to read and write audio files in Python, using different packages. This notebooks lists some options and discusses advantages as well as disadvantages. For detailed explanations on how to integrate audio files into the notebooks, we refer to the FMP notebook on Multimedia.
One option to read audio is to use LibROSA's function librosa.load
resamples the audio to $22050~\mathrm{Hz}$. Setting sr=None
keeps the native sampling rate.librosa.load
is essentially a wrapper that uses either PySoundFile
or audioread
first tries to use PySoundFile
. This works for many formats, such as WAV, FLAC, and OGG. However, MP3 is not supported. When PySoundFile
fails to read the audio file (e.g., for MP3), a warning is issued, and librosa.load
falls back to another library called audioread
. When ffmpeg
is available, this library can read MP3 files.import os
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import IPython.display as ipd
import librosa
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline
def print_plot_play(x, Fs, text=''):
"""1. Prints information about an audio singal, 2. plots the waveform, and 3. Creates player
Notebook: C1/B_PythonAudio.ipynb
x: Input signal
Fs: Sampling rate of x
text: Text to print
print('%s Fs = %d, x.shape = %s, x.dtype = %s' % (text, Fs, x.shape, x.dtype))
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 2))
plt.plot(x, color='gray')
plt.xlim([0, x.shape[0]])
plt.xlabel('Time (samples)')
ipd.display(ipd.Audio(data=x, rate=Fs))
# Read wav
fn_wav = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'B', 'FMP_B_Note-C4_Piano.wav')
x, Fs = librosa.load(fn_wav, sr=None)
print_plot_play(x=x, Fs=Fs, text='WAV file: ')
# Read mp3
fn_mp3 = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'B', 'FMP_B_Note-C4_Piano.mp3')
x, Fs = librosa.load(fn_mp3, sr=None)
print_plot_play(x=x, Fs=Fs, text='MP3 file: ')
The audio library PySoundFile
yields functions for reading and writing sound files. In particular, it contains the functions
and soundfile.write
) as default.MP3
-files.import soundfile as sf
# Read wav with default
fn_wav = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'B', 'FMP_B_Note-C4_Piano.wav')
x, Fs =
print_plot_play(x=x,Fs=Fs,text='WAV file (default): ')
# Read wav with dtype= 'int16'
fn_wav = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'B', 'FMP_B_Note-C4_Piano.wav')
x, Fs =, dtype= 'int16')
print_plot_play(x=x,Fs=Fs,text='WAV file (dtype=int16): ')
# Write 'int16'-signal and read with default
fn_out = os.path.join('..', 'output', 'B', 'FMP_B_Note-C4_Piano_int16.wav')
sf.write(fn_out, x, Fs)
x, Fs =
print_plot_play(x=x,Fs=Fs,text='Signal (int16) after writing and reading (default): ')
# Generate signal
Fs = 8000
x = 0.5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * 440 * np.arange(0, Fs) / Fs)
x[2000:2200] = 2
print_plot_play(x=x,Fs=Fs,text='Generated signal: ')
# Write signal
# Default: 'PCM_16'
# Equivalent to pre-processing (dithering + quantization)
# x = np.int16(np.round(x*(2**15)))
print('Default for writing files:', sf.default_subtype('WAV'))
fn_out = os.path.join('..', 'output', 'B', 'FMP_B_PythonAudio_sine.wav')
sf.write(fn_out, x, Fs, subtype='PCM_16')
# Read generated signal
x, Fs =
print_plot_play(x=x,Fs=Fs,text='Signal after writing and reading: ')
Scipy offers the
module, which also has functionalities for reading and writing wav files. However, not all variants of the wav format are support. For example, $24$-bit integer WAV
-files are not allowed. Furthermore, certain metadata fields in a wav file may also lead to errors. Therefore, we do not recommend this option.
from import wavfile
Fs, x =
print_plot_play(x=x,Fs=Fs,text='Signal after writing and reading: ')