@inproceedings{kayyar23_dur_itg, author={Kishor Kayyar and Christian Dittmar and Nicola Pia and Emanuël Habets}, booktitle={Speech Communication; 15th ITG Conference}, title={Multi-Speaker Text-to-Speech Using ForwardTacotron with Improved Duration Prediction}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={186-190}, doi={10.30420/456164036}} @inproceedings{zalkow23_blizzard, author={Frank Zalkow and Paolo Sani and Michael Fast and Judith Bauer and Mohammad Joshaghani and Kishor Kayyar and Emanuël Habets and Christian Dittmar}, title={{The AudioLabs System for the Blizzard Challenge 2023}}, year=2023, booktitle={Proc. 18th Blizzard Challenge Workshop}, pages={63--68}, doi={10.21437/Blizzard.2023-8} } @inproceedings{kayyar23_eusipco, author={Kishor Kayyar and Christian Dittmar and Nicola Pia and Emanuël Habets}, booktitle=eusipco, title={Low-Resource Text-to-Speech Using Specific Data and Noise Augmentation}, year={2023}, pages={61-65}, doi={10.23919/EUSIPCO58844.2023.10289912} } @inproceedings{kayyar23_ssw, author={Kishor Kayyar and Christian Dittmar and Nicola Pia and Emanuel Habets}, title={{Subjective Evaluation of Text-to-Speech Models: Comparing Absolute Category Rating and Ranking by Elimination Tests}}, year=2023, booktitle=ssw, pages={191--196}, doi={10.21437/SSW.2023-30} } @inproceedings{Mirabilii2020a, author={D. Mirabilii, K. Kayyar, W. Mack, E. Habets}, title={Data-driven wind speed estimation using multiple microphones}, booktitle = icassp, year = {2020}, address = {Spain}, pages={ 576--580}, }