@article{BalkeDAFPM18_JazzYoutube_Frontiers, author = {Stefan Balke and Christian Dittmar and Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Klaus Frieler and Martin Pfleiderer and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {Bridging the Gap: {E}nriching {Y}ou{T}ube Videos with Jazz Music Annotations}, journal = {Frontiers in Digital Humanities}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {}, doi = {doi.org/10.3389/fdigh.2018.00001}, year = {2018}, url-details={https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fdigh.2018.00001/full}, url-demo={http://mir.audiolabs.uni-erlangen.de/jazztube/}, url-pdf={2018_BalkeDAFPM_JazzYouTube_Frontiers.pdf}, } @inproceedings{DittmarLM18_HPSS_KAM_NMF_ICASSP, author = {Christian Dittmar and Patricio L{\'o}pez-Serrano and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {Unifying Local and Global Methods for Harmonic-Percussive Source Separation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing ({ICASSP})}, address = {Calgary, Canada}, month = {April}, year = {2018}, url-demo={https://www.audiolabs-erlangen.de/resources/MIR/2018-ICASSP-HPSS_KAM_NMF}, } @article{WuDSVWHML18_DrumTranscription_IEEE-TASLP, author = {Chih-Wei Wu and Christian Dittmar and Carl Southall and Richard Vogl and Gerhard Widmer and Jason Hockman and Meinard M{\"u}ller and Alexander Lerch}, title = {A Review of Automatic Drum Transcription}, journal = {{IEEE}/{ACM} Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing}, year={2018}, volume={26}, number={9}, pages={1457--1483}, doi = {10.1109/TASLP.2018.2830113}, url-pdf = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8350302/}, url-demo={https://www.audiolabs-erlangen.de/resources/MIR/2017-DrumTranscription-Survey}, month={September}, } @inproceedings{BalkeDM18_TranskriptionJazzsoli_DAGA, author = {Stefan Balke and Christian Dittmar and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {{A}ns{\"a}tze zur datengetriebenen {T}ranskription einstimmiger {J}azzsoli}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {D}eutsche {J}ahrestagung f{\"u}r {A}kustik ({DAGA})}, address = {M{\"u}nchen, Germany}, year = {2018}, pages = {1530--1532}, } @InCollection{CanoDAKG18_MusicEducation_Springer, author = {Estefan\'{i}a Cano and Christian Dittmar and Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Christian Kehling and Sascha Grollmisch}, title = {Music Technology and Education}, booktitle = {Springer Handbook on Systematic Musicology}, year = {2018}, editor = {Rolf Bader}, publisher = {Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg}, pages = {855--871}, ISBN = {978-3-662-55002-1}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-55004-5_39}, url-details = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-662-55004-5_41} } @inproceedings{LopezDM17_SepHRP_AES, author = {Patricio L{\'o}pez-Serrano and Christian Dittmar and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {Mid-Level Audio Features Based on Cascaded Harmonic-Residual-Percussive Separation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {AES} Conference on Semantic Audio}, address = {Erlangen, Germany}, year = {2017}, url-pdf = {http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=18755}, url-demo = {https://www.audiolabs-erlangen.de/resources/MIR/2017-AES-CHRP}, } @inproceedings{BalkeDAM17_SoloVoiceEnhancement_ICASSP, author = {Stefan Balke and Christian Dittmar and Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {Data-Driven Solo Voice Enhancement for Jazz Music Retrieval}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing ({ICASSP})}, pages = {196--200}, location = {New Orleans, USA}, year = {2017}, url-demo={https://www.audiolabs-erlangen.de/resources/MIR/2017-ICASSP-SoloVoiceEnhancement}, url-pdf = {2017_BalkeDAM_SoloVoiceEnhancement_ICASSP.pdf}, url-presentation = {2017_BalkeDAM_SoloVoiceEnhancement_ICASSP_presentation.pdf}, } @article{DittmarPBM17_SwingRatio_JNMR, author = {Christian Dittmar and Martin Pfleiderer and Stefan Balke and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {A Swingogram Representation for Tracking Micro-Rhythmic Variation in Jazz Performances}, journal = {Journal of New Music Research}, volume = {47}, number = {2}, pages = {97--113}, year = {2017}, doi = {10.1080/09298215.2017.1367405}, url-demo={https://www.audiolabs-erlangen.de/resources/MIR/2017-JNMR-SwingRatio}, } @inproceedings{LopezDM17_DrumBreaks_CMMR, author = {Patricio L\'{o}pez-Serrano and Christian Dittmar and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {Finding Drum Breaks in Digital Music Recordings}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval ({CMMR})}, address = {Porto, Portugal}, year = {2017}, url-demo={https://www.audiolabs-erlangen.de/resources/MIR/2017-CMMR-Breaks}, } @article{DittmarMueller16_DrumSeparation_IEEE-TASLP, author = {Christian Dittmar and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {{Reverse Engineering the Amen Break -- Score-informed Separation and Restoration applied to Drum Recordings}}, journal = {{IEEE}/{ACM} Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing}, year = {2016}, volume={24}, number={9}, pages={1531--1543}, doi = {10.1109/TASLP.2016.2567645}, url-pdf = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7469352}, url-demo={https://www.audiolabs-erlangen.de/resources/MIR/2016-IEEE-TASLP-DrumSeparation}, } @inproceedings{DittmarDMP16_SourceSepSpecialSession_EUSIPCO, author = {Christian Dittmar and Jouni Paulus and Jonathan Driedger and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {An Experimental Approach to Generalized Wiener Filtering in Music Source Separation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference ({EUSIPCO})}, address = {Budapest, Hungary}, pages = {1743--1747}, month = {August}, year = {2016}, url-pdf = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7760547/} } @inproceedings{LopezDM16_EDM_ISMIR, author = {Patricio L\'{o}pez-Serrano and Christian Dittmar and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {Towards Modeling and Decomposing Loop-Based Electronic Music}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval ({ISMIR})}, address = {New York, USA}, year = {2016}, pages = {502--508}, url-pdf = {https://wp.nyu.edu/ismir2016/wp-content/uploads/sites/2294/2016/07/065_Paper.pdf}, url-demo = {https://www.audiolabs-erlangen.de/resources/MIR/2016-ISMIR-EMLoop}, } @inproceedings{BalkeADDM16_FundFreq_ISMIR, author = {Stefan Balke and Jakob Abeßer and Jonathan Driedger and Christian Dittmar and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {Towards Evaluating Multiple Predominant Melody Annotations in Jazz Recordings}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval ({ISMIR})}, address = {New York, USA}, year = {2016}, pages = {246--252}, url-pdf = {https://wp.nyu.edu/ismir2016/wp-content/uploads/sites/2294/2016/07/049_Paper.pdf}, } @inproceedings{DittmarPM15_Singing_DAGA, author = {Christian Dittmar and Thomas Pr{\"a}tzlich and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {Towards Cross-Version Singing Voice Detection}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik ({DAGA})}, address = {Nuremberg, Germany}, month = {March}, year = {2015}, } @inproceedings{DittmarPM15_Swing_ISMIR, author = {Christian Dittmar and Martin Pfleiderer and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {Automated Estimation of Ride Cymbal Swing Ratios in Jazz Recordings}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ({ISMIR})}, address = {Malaga, Spain}, month = {October}, year = {2015}, url-pdf = {http://ismir2015.uma.es/articles/143_Paper.pdf}, } @inproceedings{DittmarLPMW15_Singing_ISMIR, author = {Christian Dittmar and Bernhard Lehner and Thomas Pr{\"a}tzlich and Meinard M{\"u}ller and Gerhard Widmer}, title = {Cross-Version Singing Voice Detection in Classical Opera Recordings}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ({ISMIR})}, address = {Malaga, Spain}, month = {October}, year = {2015}, url-pdf = {http://ismir2015.uma.es/articles/201_Paper.pdf}, } @inproceedings{DittmarDM15_SeparateRestore_WASPAA, author = {Christian Dittmar and Jonathan Driedger and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {A Separate and Restore Approach to Score-Informed Music Decomposition}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics ({WASPAA})}, address = {New Paltz, NY, USA}, month = {October}, year = {2015}, url-pdf = {https://www.audiolabs-erlangen.de/fau/professor/mueller/publications/2015_DittmarDM_SeparateRestore_WASPAA.pdf}, url-demo={https://www.audiolabs-erlangen.de/resources/MIR/2015-WASPAA-SeparateAndRestore/}, } @inproceedings{DittmarM15_TransientRestoration_DAFx, author = {Christian Dittmar and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {Towards Transient Restoration in Score-informed Audio Decomposition}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects ({DAF}x)}, address = {Trondheim, Norway}, month = {December}, pages = {145--152}, year = {2015}, url-pdf = {http://www.ntnu.edu/documents/1001201110/1266017954/DAFx-15_submission_31.pdf/bd700f13-cbb0-441b-b1a7-9078e268e99f}, url-demo={https://www.audiolabs-erlangen.de/resources/MIR/2015-DAFx-TransientRestoration}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{kpe:2014:AES53, author = {Anna Kruspe and Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Christian Dittmar}, title = {{A GMM Approach to Singing Language Identification}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society ({AES}) conference on Semantic Audio}, address = {London, UK}, month = {January}, year = {2014}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{leimms:2014:AES53, author = {Matthias Leimeister and Daniel G{\"a}rtner and Christian Dittmar}, title = {{Rhythmic Classification of Electronic Dance Music}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society ({AES}) conference on Semantic Audio}, address = {London, UK}, month = {January}, year = {2014}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{gtr:2014:AES136, author = {Daniel G{\"a}rtner and Christian Dittmar and Patrick Aichroth and Luca Cuccovillo and Sebastian Mann and Gerald Schuller}, title = {{Efficient Cross-Codec Framing Grid Analysis for Audio Tampering Detection}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society ({AES}) Convention}, address = {Berlin, Germany}, year = {2014}, month = {April}, } @ARTICLE{cano:2014:EURASIP, author = {Estefan\'{i}a Cano and Gerald Schuller and Christian Dittmar}, title = {{Pitch-informed solo and accompaniment separation towards its use in music education applications}}, journal = {EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing}, year = {2014}, volume = {23}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{cano:2014:INTERSPEECH, author = {Estefan\'{i}a Cano and Mark Plumbley and Christian Dittmar}, title = {{Phase-based harmonic percussive separation}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech)}, address = {Singapore}, year = {2014}, month = {September}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{abr:2014:ICMC, author = {Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Christian Dittmar and Sascha Grollmisch and Andreas Lehmann and Johannes Hasselhorn}, title = {{Automatic Competency Assessment of Rhythm Performances of Ninth-grade and Tenth-grade Pupils}}, booktitle = {Proceedings joint ICMC|SMC Conference}, address = {Athens, Greece}, year = {2014}, month = {September}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{kehling:2014:DAFx, author = {Christian Kehling and Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Christian Dittmar and Gerald Schuller}, title = {{Automatic Tablature Transcription of Electric Guitar Recordings by Estimation of Score- and Instrument-related Parameters}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects ({DAF}x)}, year = {2014}, address = {Erlangen, Germany}, month = {September}, url-pdf = {http://www.dafx14.fau.de/papers/dafx14_christian_kehling_automatic_tablature_trans.pdf}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{DittmarG14_DrumTranscription_DAFX, author = {Christian Dittmar and Daniel G{\"a}rtner}, title = {{Real-time transcription and separation of drum recordings based on NMF decomposition}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects ({DAF}x)}, year = {2014}, address = {Erlangen, Germany}, month = {September}, pages = {187--194}, url-pdf = {http://www.dafx14.fau.de/papers/dafx14_christian_dittmar_real_time_transcription_a.pdf}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Dittmar:2013:WIAMIS, author = {Christian Dittmar and Andreas M{\"a}nnchen and Jakob Abe{\ss}er}, title = {Real-time Guitar String Detection for Music Education Software}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Image and Audio Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS)}, year = {2013}, address = {Paris, France}, owner = {abr}, timestamp = {2013.10.01} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Abesser:2013:DAFX, author = {Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Patrick Kramer and Christian Dittmar and Gerald Schuller}, title = {Parametric Audio Coding of Bass Guitar Recordings Using a Tuned Physical Modeling Algorithm}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx)}, year = {2013}, month = {September}, address = {Maynooth, Ireland}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Biessmann:2013:WASP, author = {Paul Bie{\ss}mann and Daniel G{\"a}rtner and Christian Dittmar and Patrick Aichroth and Michael Schnabel and Gerald Schuller and Ralf Geiger}, title = {Estimating MP3PRO Encoder Parameters From Decoded Audio}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop Audiosignal- und Sprachverarbeitung (WASP)}, year = {2013}, address = {Koblenz, Germany}, month = {September}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Mann:2013:WASP, author = {Sebastian Mann and Luca Cuccovillo and Patrick Aichroth and Christian Dittmar}, title = {Combining ENF Phase Discontinuity Checking and Temporal Pattern Matching for Audio Tampering Detection}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop Audiosignal- und Sprachverarbeitung (WASP)}, year = {2013}, address = {Koblenz, Germany}, month = {September}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Grasis:2013:CMMR, author = {Mikus Grasis and Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Christian Dittmar and Hanna Lukashevich}, title = {A Multiple-Expert Framework for Instrument Recognition}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR)}, year = {2013}, address = {Marseille, France}, month = {October}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Cuccovillo:2013:AES, author = {Luca Cuccovillo and Sebastian Mann and Patrick Aichroth and Marco Tagliasacchi and Christian Dittmar}, title = {Blind Microphone Analysis and Stable Tone Phase Analysis for Audio Tampering Detection}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 135th Audio Engineering Society (AES) Convention}, year = {2013}, address = {New York, USA}, month = {October}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Cano:2013:DAFX, author = {Estefan\'{\i}a Cano and Christian Dittmar and Gerald Schuller}, title = {Re-thinking Sound Separation: Prior Information and Additivity Constraint in Separaton Algorithms}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects ({DAF}x)}, year = {2013}, address = {Maynooth, Ireland}, timestamp = {2013.10.01} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Abesser:2013:CMMRa, author = {Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Johannes Hasselhorn and Christian Dittmar and Andreas Lehmann and Sascha Grollmisch}, title = {{Automatic Quality Assessment of Vocal and Instrumental Performances of Ninth-grade and Tenth-grade Pupils}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research ({CMMR})}, year = {2013}, address = {Marseille, France}, timestamp = {2013.10.01} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kruspe:2013:AM, author = {Anna Kruspe and Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Christian Dittmar}, title = {Towards coarse-scale event detection in music}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Audio Mostly : A Conference on Interaction with Sound}, year = {2013}, address = {Pitea, Sweden}, month = {September}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{dmr:2012:CIP, author = {Christian Dittmar and Pedro Mercado and Holger Gro{\ss}mann and Estefan\'{i}a Cano}, title = {Towards Lyrics Spotting in the SyncGlobal Project}, booktitle = {Third International Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing (CIP)}, year = {2012}, address = {Baiona, Spain}, month = {May}, keywords = {IDMT; M2D; SMT; SyncGlobal} } @INPROCEEDINGS{dmr:2012:EUSIPCO, author = {Christian Dittmar and Kay Hildebrand and Daniel G{\"a}rtner and Manuel Winges and Florian M{\"{u}}ller and Patrick Aichroth}, title = {Audio Forensics Meets Music Information Retrieval - A Toolbox for Inspection of Music Plagiarism}, booktitle = {20th European Signal Processing Conference 2012 (EUSIPCO)}, year = {2012}, address = {Bucharest, Romania}, month = {August}, days = {27}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kramer:2012:ICASSP, author = {Patrick Kramer and Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Christian Dittmar and Gerald Schuller}, title = {A Digital Waveguide Model of the Electric Bass Guitar Including Different Playing Techniques}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, year = {2012}, address = {Kobe, Japan}, keywords = {IDMT; M2D; SMT} } @InCollection{dmr:2012:DFU, author = {Christian Dittmar and Estefan{\'i}a Cano and Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Sascha Grollmisch}, title = {{Music Information Retrieval Meets Music Education}}, booktitle = {Multimodal Music Processing}, pages = {95--120}, series = {Dagstuhl Follow-Ups}, ISBN = {978-3-939897-37-8}, ISSN = {1868-8977}, year = {2012}, volume = {3}, editor = {Meinard M{\"u}ller and Masataka Goto and Markus Schedl}, publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik}, address = {Dagstuhl, Germany}, URL = {http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2012/3468}, URN = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-34689}, doi = {10.4230/DFU.Vol3.11041.95}, annote = {Keywords: Music learning, music transcription, source separation, performance feedback} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Cano:2012:CMMR, author = {Estefan\'{i}a Cano and Sascha Grollmisch and Christian Dittmar}, title = {{Songs2See : Towards a New Generation of Music Performance Games}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval ({CMMR})}, year = {2012}, month = {June}, pages = {19--22}, address = {London, UK}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Cano:2012:EUSIPCO, author = {Estefan\'{i}a Cano and Christian Dittmar and Gerald Schuller}, title = {Efficient Implementation of a System for Solo and Accompaniment Separation in Polyphonic Music}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference ({EUSIPCO})}, year = {2012}, address = {Bucharest, Romania}, month = {August}, days = {27}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Krasser:2012:AudioMostly, author = {Johannes Krasser and Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Holger Gro{\ss}mann and Christian Dittmar and Estefan{\'i}a Cano}, title = {Improved music similarity computation based on tone objects}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th Audio Mostly : A Conference on Interaction with Sound}, year = {2012}, pages = {47--54}, address = {Corfu, Greece}, month = {September}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{GrollmischCanoDittmarDressler:2011:AES, author = {Sascha Grollmisch and Estefan\'{i}a Cano and Christian Dittmar and Karin Dressler}, title = {Server based Pitch Detection}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 41th Audio Engineering Society (AES) Conference on Audio for Games}, year = {2011}, month = {February}, address = {London, UK}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{GrollmischCanoDittmar:2011:AES, author = {Sascha Grollmisch and Estefan\'{i}a Cano and Christian Dittmar}, title = {Songs2See: Learn to Play by Playing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 41th Audio Engineering Society (AES) Conference on Audio for Games}, year = {2011}, month = {February}, address = {London, UK}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Abesser:2011:ICASSP, author = {Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Olivier Lartillot and Christian Dittmar and Tuomas Eerola and Gerald Schuller}, title = {Modeling Musical Attributes to Characterize Ensemble Recordings using Rhythmic Audio Features}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, year = {2011}, month = {May}, address = {Prague, Czech Republic}, } @InCollection{abr:2011:lncs, author = {Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Hanna Lukashevich and Christian Dittmar and Paul Br{\"a}uer and Fabienne Krause}, title = {{Rule-based classification of musical genres from a global cultural background}}, booktitle = {Exploring Music Contents: 7th International Symposium, Revised Papers (LNCS)}, year = {2011}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {New York, USA}, month = {September}, } @InCollection{dmr:2011:lncs, author = {Christian Dittmar and Holger Gro{\ss}mann and Estefan{\'i}a Cano and Sascha Grollmisch and Hanna Lukashevich and Jakob Abe{\ss}er}, title = {{Songs2See and GlobalMusic2One: Two applied research projects in music information retrieval at Fraunhofer IDMT}}, booktitle = {Exploring Music Contents: 7th International Symposium, Revised Papers (LNCS)}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {New York, USA}, year = {2011}, month = {September}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Abesser:2011:AES42, author = {Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Christian Dittmar and Gerald Schuller}, title = {{Automatic Recognition and Parametrization of Frequency Modulation Techniques in Bass Guitar Recordings}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 42nd Audio Engineering Society (AES) Conference on Semantic Audio}, year = {2011}, month = {July}, address = {Ilmenau, Germany}, keywords = {IDMT; M2D; SMT} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Cano:2011:AES42, author = {Estefan\'{i}a Cano and Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Christian Dittmar and Gerald Schuller}, title = {Influence of Phase, Magnitude and Location of Harmonic Components in the Perceived Quality of Extracted Solo Signals}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 42nd Audio Engineering Society (AES) Conference on Semantic Audio}, year = {2011}, month = {July}, address = {Ilmenau, Germany}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kruspe:2011:AES42, author = {Anna Kruspe and Hanna Lukashevich and Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Holger Gro{\ss}mann and Christian Dittmar}, title = {Automatic Classification of Musical Pieces into Global Cultural Areas}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 42nd Audio Engineering Society (AES) Conference: Semantic Audio}, year = {2011}, month = {July}, address = {Ilmenau, Germany}, keywords = {IDMT; M2D; SMT; GlobalMusic2one} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Cano:2011:ISMIR, author = {Estefan\'{i}a Cano and Christian Dittmar and Sascha Grollmisch}, title = {Songs2See - Learn To Play By Playing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR)}, year = {2011}, month = {October}, address = {Miami, Florida, USA}, } @INCOLLECTION{Lukashevich:2010:GFKL, author = {Hanna Lukashevich and Christian Dittmar}, title = {Improving GMM Classifiers by Preliminary One-class SVM Outlier Detection: Application to Automatic Music Mood Estimation}, booktitle = {Classification as a Tool for Research}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, year = {2010}, editor = {Hermann Locarek-Junge and Claus Weihs}, series = {Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization}, pages = {775-782}, isbn = {978-3-642-10745-0}, keyword = {Statistics}, keywords = {IDMT; M2D; SMT}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-10745-0_86} } @INPROCEEDINGS{kahl:2010:daga, author = {Matthias Kahl and Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Christian Dittmar and Holger Gro{\ss}mann}, title = {Automatic Recognition of Tonal Instruments in Polyphonic Music from different Cultural Backgrounds.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 36th Jahrestagung fuer Akustik (DAGA)}, year = {2010}, month = {March}, address = {Berlin, Germany}, date = {March 15th - 18th}, keywords = {IDMT; M2D; SMT; GlobalMusic2one} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Abesser:2010:CMMR, author = {Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Hanna Lukashevich and Christian Dittmar and Paul Br{\"{a}}uer and Fabienne Krause}, title = {Rule-Based Classification of Musical Genres from a Global Cultural Background}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR)}, month ={June}, year = {2010}, address = {M{\'{a}}laga, Spain}, } @Inbook{Szepannek2010, author= {Gero Szepannek and Matthias Gruhne and Bernd Bischl and Sebastian Krey and Tamas Harczos and Frank Klefenz and Christian Dittmar and Claus Weihs}, editor={Hermann Locarek-Junge and Claus Weihs}, title={Perceptually Based Phoneme Recognition in Popular Music}, bookTitle={Classification as a Tool for Research: Proceedings of the IFCS Biennial Conference and 33rd Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Klassifikation e.V.}, month = {March}, year={2010}, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, address={Berlin, Heidelberg}, pages={751--758}, doi={10.1007/978-3-642-10745-0_83}, url-pdf={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-10745-0_83} } @INPROCEEDINGS{dittmar:2010:daga, author = {Christian Dittmar and David Wagner and Daniel Gaertner}, title = {Drumloop Separation using adaptive Spectrogram Templates.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 36th Jahrestagung fuer Akustik (DAGA)}, year = {2010}, month = {March}, address = {Berlin, Germany}, date = {March 15th - 18th}, keywords = {IDMT; M2D; SMT} } @INPROCEEDINGS{gaertner:2010:daga, author = {Daniel G{\"a}rtner and Christoph Zipperle and Christian Dittmar}, title = {Classification of Electronic Club-Music.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 36th Jahrestagung fuer Akustik (DAGA)}, year = {2010}, month = {March}, address = {Berlin, Germany}, date = {March 15th - 18th}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Stein:2010:AES, author = {Michael Stein and Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Christian Dittmar and Gerald Schuller}, title = {Automatic Detection of Audio Effects in Guitar and Bass Recordings.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 128th AES Convention}, year = {2010}, address = {London, UK}, month = {May}, keywords = {IDMT; M2D; SMT} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Cano:2010:ViennaTalk, author = { Estefan\'{i}a Cano and Christian Dittmar and Sascha Grollmisch}, title = {Acoustics and Signal Processing in the Development of Music Education Software}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Vienna Talk 2010 on Music Acoustics}, year = {2010}, month = {September}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Voelkel:2010:AudioMostly, author = {Thomas V{\"o}lkel and Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Christian Dittmar and Holger Gro{\ss}mann}, title = {Automatic Genre Classification on Latin Music using Characteristic Rhythmic Patterns.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th Audio Mostly : A Conference on Interaction with Sound}, year = {2010}, month = {September}, address = {Pite{\aa}, Sweden}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Cano:2010:DAFx, author = { Estefan\'{i}a Cano and Gerald Schuller and Christian Dittmar}, title = {Exploring Phase Information in Sound Source Separation Applications}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx)}, year = {2010}, month = {September}, address = {Graz, Austria}, keywords = {IDMT; M2D; SMT; Song2See} } @INPROCEEDINGS{dmr:2010:cmmr, author = {Christian Dittmar and Holger Gro{\ss}mann and Estefan\'{i}a Cano and Sascha Grollmisch and Hanna Lukashevich and Jakob Abe{\ss}er}, title = {{Songs2See and GlobalMusic2One - Two ongoing projects in Music Information Retrieval at Fraunhofer IDMT}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR)}, year = {2010}, address = {M{\'{a}}laga, Spain}, month = {June}, keywords = {IDMT; M2D; SMT; GlobalMusic2one; Songs2See} } @INPROCEEDINGS{dmr:2009:DAGA, author = {Christian Dittmar and Matthias Gruhne and Daniel G{\"a}rtner}, title = {{Preprocessing methods for rhythmic mid-level features}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics ({NAG}/{DAGA})}, address = {Rotterdam, The Netherlands}, year = {2009}, month = {March}, } @InCollection{bdg:2009:SHMDEA, author = {Karlheinz Brandenburg and Christian Dittmar and Matthias Gruhne and Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Hanna Lukashevich and Peter Dunker and Daniel G{\"a}rtner and Kay Wolter and Stefanie Nowak and Holger Gro{\ss}mann}, title = {{Music search and recommendation}}, booktitle = {Handbook of multimedia for digital entertainment and arts}, pages = {349--383}, ISBN = {0-387-89023-8}, year = {2009}, volume = {3}, editor = {Borko Furht}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {New York, USA}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{lkh:2009:gfkl, author = {Hanna Lukashevich and Christian Dittmar}, title = {{Improving GMM Classifiers by Preliminary One-class SVM Outlier Detection: Application to Automatic Music Mood Estimation}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Klassifikation ({GfKl})}, address = {Dresden, Germany}, month = {March}, year = {2009}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ghe:2009:AES126, author = {Matthias Gruhne and Christian Dittmar}, title = {{Improving Rhythmic Pattern Features Based on Logarithmic Preprocessing}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society (AES) 126th Convention}, address = {Munich, Germany}, year = {2009}, month = {May}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{dkr:2009:cbmi, author = {Peter Dunker and Christian Dittmar and Andr\'{e} Begau and Stefanie Nowak and Matthias Gruhne}, title = {{Semantic high-level features for automated cross-modal slideshow generation}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI)}, address = {Chania, Greece}, year = {2009}, month = {June}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{dkr:2009:WAM, author = {Peter Dunker and Ronny Paduschek and Christian Dittmar and Stefanie Nowak and Matthias Gruhne}, title = {{Evaluation of an image and music indexing prototype}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop Audiovisuelle Medien (WAM)}, address = {Chemnitz, Germany}, year = {2009}, month = {June}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{goh:2009:ICEGIC, author = {Sascha Grollmisch and Christian Dittmar and Gabriel Gatzsche}, title = {{Concept, implementation and evaluation of an improvisation based music video game}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st International Consumer Electronic Society's IEEE Games Innovation Conference (ICE-GIC)}, address = {London, UK}, year = {2009}, month = {August}, } @inproceedings{ghe:2009:ismir, author={Matthias Gruhne and Christian Dittmar and Daniel G{\"a}rtner}, title={Improving rhythmic similarity computation by beat histogram transformations}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR)}, year={2009}, address = {Kobe, Japan}, month = {October}, } @inproceedings{abr:2009:ismir, author={Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Hanna Lukashevich and Christian Dittmar and Gerald Schuller}, title={Genre classification using bass-related high-level features and playing styles}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR)}, year={2009}, address = {Kobe, Japan}, month = {October}, } @inproceedings{ghe:2009:lsas, author={Matthias Gruhne and Christian Dittmar}, title={Comparison of Harmonic Mid-level Representations for Genre Recognition}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Learning Semantics of Audio Signals (LSAS)}, year={2009}, address = {Graz, Austria}, month = {December}, } @inproceedings{gtr:2009:icmla, author={Daniel G{\"a}rtner and Christian Dittmar}, title={Vocal characteristics classification of audio segments: An investigation of the influence of accompaniment music on low-level features}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA)}, year={2009}, address = {Miami, Florida, USA}, month = {December}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{bsk:2008:daga, author = {Christoph Bastuck and Christian Dittmar}, title = {{An integrative framework for content-based music similarity retrieval}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 34th Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA)}, address = {Dresden, Germany}, month = {March}, year = {2008}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{nwk:2008:daga, author = {Stefanie Nowak and Christoph Bastuck and Christian Dittmar}, title = {{Exploring music collections through automatic similarity visualization}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 34th Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA)}, address = {Dresden, Germany}, month = {March}, year = {2008}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{dmr:2008:daga, author = {Christian Dittmar and Jakob Abe{\ss}er}, title = {{Automatic music transcription with user interaction}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 34th Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA)}, address = {Dresden, Germany}, month = {March}, year = {2008}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ghe:2008:daga, author = {Matthias Gruhne and Christian Dittmar}, title = {{Phoneme detection for lyrics synchronization}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 34th Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA)}, address = {Dresden, Germany}, month = {March}, year = {2008}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{lkh:2008:gfkl, author = {Hanna Lukashevich and Christian Dittmar and Christoph Bastuck}, title = {{Applying statistical models and parametric distance measures for music similarity search}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Klassifikation (GfKl)}, address = {Hamburg, Germany}, month = {July}, year = {2008}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ghe:2008:AES125, author = {Matthias Gruhne and Christian Dittmar and Daniel G{\"a}rtner and Gerald Schuller}, title = {{An evaluation of pre-processing algorithms for rhythmic pattern analysis}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society (AES) 125th Convention}, address = {San Francisco, California, USA}, year = {2008}, month = {October}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{dkr:2008:uxtv, author = {Peter Dunker and Christian Dittmar}, title = {{Enrichment of Interactive TV Services with Collaborative and Content-based Filtering Methods}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Conference on Designing Interactive User Experiences for TV and Video (UXTV)}, address = {Sillicon Valley, California, USA}, year = {2008}, month = {October}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{abr:2008:AM, author = {Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Christian Dittmar and Holger Gro{\ss}mann}, title = {Automatic genre and artist classification by analyzing improvised solo parts from musical recordings}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Audio Mostly : A Conference on Interaction with Sound}, year = {2008}, month = {October}, address = {Pite{\aa}, Sweden}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{dmr:2007:AM, author = {Christian Dittmar and Karin Dressler and Katja Rosenbauer}, title = {A toolbox for automatic transcription of polyphonic music}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Audio Mostly : A Conference on Interaction with Sound}, year = {2007}, month = {September}, address = {Ilmenau, Germany}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ghe:2007:ISMIR, author = {Matthias Gruhne and Konstantin Schmidt and Christian Dittmar}, title = {Phoneme Recognition on Popular Music}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR)}, year = {2007}, month = {September}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{lkh:2007:DAFx, author = {Hanna Lukashevich and Matthias Gruhne and Christian Dittmar}, title = {Effective singing voice detection in popular music using ARMA filtering}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx)}, year = {2007}, month = {September}, address = {Bordeaux, France}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{dmr:2007:icomcs, author = {Christian Dittmar and Christoph Bastuck and Matthias Gruhne}, title = {{Novel mid-level audio features for music similarity}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the inaugural International Conference on Music Communication Science (ICoMCS)}, address = {Sydney, Australia}, month = {December}, year = {2007}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{gruhne:2007:icomcs, author = {Matthias Gruhne and Konstantin Schmidt and Christian Dittmar}, title = {{Detecting Phonemes within the Singing of Polyphonic Music}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the inaugural International Conference on Music Communication Science (ICoMCS)}, address = {Sydney, Australia}, month = {December}, year = {2007}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{gruhne:2006:spie, author = {Matthias Gruhne and Christian Dittmar}, title = {{Using MPEG-7 audio descriptors for music querying}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the SPIE Applications of Digital Image Processing XXIX}, address = {San Diego, California, USA}, month = {August}, year = {2006}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{dmr:2005:mirex, author = {Christian Dittmar}, title = {Drum Detection from Polyphonic Audio via detailed Analysis of the Time Frequency Domain}, booktitle = {Extended Abstract in 1st Annual Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIReX)}, year = {2005}, address = {Pite{\aa}, Sweden}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{dmr:2004:AES, author = {Christian Dittmar and Christian Uhle}, title = {Further Steps towards Drum Transcription of Polyphonic Music}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society ({AES}) Convention}, year = {2004}, month = {May}, address = {Berlin, Germany}, url-pdf = {https://www.ee.columbia.edu/~dpwe/papers/DittU04-drumtrans.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Uhle:2004:AES, author = {Christian Uhle and Christian Dittmar}, title = {Generation of musical scores of percussive un-pitched instruments from automatically detected events}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society ({AES}) Convention}, year = {2004}, month = {May}, address = {Berlin, Germany}, } @conference{dittmar2004drum, title = {Drum Pattern Based Genre Classification of Popular Music}, author = {Christian Uhle and Christian Dittmar}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th Audio Engineering Society (AES) Conference: Metadata for Audio}, month = {Jun}, year = {2004}, address = {London, UK}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Gruhne:2004:ISMIR, author = {Matthias Gruhne and Christian Uhle and Christian Dittmar and Markus Cremer}, title = {Extraction of Drum Patterns and their Description within the MPEG-7 High-Level-Framework}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR)}, year = {2004}, month = {October}, address = {Barcelona, Spain}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{uhle:2003:ICA, author = {Christian Uhle and Christian Dittmar and Thomas Sporer}, title = {Extraction of drum tracks from polyphonic music using independent subspace analysis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation ({ICA})}, address = {Nara, Japan}, month = {April}, year = {2003}, url-pdf = {http://www.kecl.ntt.co.jp/icl/signal/ica2003/cdrom/data/0127.pdf} }